Modern Day Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy today is much different than in the past. Yes, we still do traditional hypnosis, 5,4,3,2,1 Deep Sleep, but there is much more available now for us to utilize to help clients.


I use many different modalities in my practice. Two methods that benefit my clients are Therapeutic Imagery and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In Imagery work, clients are asked to visualize problems or issues as actual physical images. They can then deal with the problems on a different level and frequently can dispel or conquer them. 

NLP also has some interesting techniques to deal with problems. One that works well is Timeline Therapy. In this work, a client visualizes their life as a timeline through space. They float above the timeline to a time prior to a traumatizing event and re-experience the event through their eyes as an adult. This often helps the client heal from past hurt.

What to Expect with Hypnotherapy Today

When you come to see me or any hypnotherapist, there are 2 parts to the session. First, there is a discussion about what the issue is and the change that you desire. Then, at the end of the session, you are hypnotized and the changes that you want are implanted in your subconscious. Very subtle and very powerful.  

The current model of the conscious and subconscious mind is that 10 to 12 percent of the mind is the conscious mind and 88 to 90 percent of the mind is the subconscious. If you take a look at this it is easy to see why changing a behavior is so very hard.

Imagine you were driving a car. 88 to 90 percent of the engine was being used to go in reverse and 10 to 12 percent was being used to go forward.  How hard would that be to get anywhere at all? Hypnotherapy can help with different techniques to get both parts of your brain working together.

A Brief History of Hypnotherapy 

Hypnosis began because there was no anesthesia for doing medical procedures or surgery. Doctors discovered that by “distracting” or occupying the mind, they could lessen the patient’s discomfort during surgery. Hypnosis is still currently used during childbirth, dental procedures or surgeries when the patient does not want to use an anesthetic.

In 1779, Dr. Franz Mesmer discovered that the mind has power over the body. From his name MESMER comes the word mesmerize, which literally means to hypnotize or spellbind.

James Braid, a doctor in England, gave hypnosis its name from hypnos, the Greek God of Sleep in 1849. He is widely considered the “Father of Hypnosis” and original he thought that hypnosis was actual sleep brought on by eye fatigue and that’s why people think of hypnosis as looking at a watch or bright object back and forth in front of your eyes. When he realized that it wasn’t actually SLEEP, he tried to rename hypnosis, but it was too late, the name had already taken off and it stuck to this day.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Your Relationships

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Allowing are important Metaphysical Laws (Laws of the Universe) affecting relationships. The Law of Attraction can help you identify exactly who and what you are looking for in a relationship and let you be available. The Law of Allowing can help you be open and receptive to a relationship.

The human mind is very powerful. You become and manifest what you focus on. If you expect good things, good things will happen. Very simply, if you decide you will not be able to find a partner, you will not find a partner.In my practice I encourage my clients to do this, plan for a great day and you WILL have a great day.

Focus on having a wonderful relationship with your partner. Just allow the relationship to be. If you are looking for a partner, be open and focus on what you want to attract.  

HypnoNews You Can Use: "What 'Get Out' Gets Wrong And Right About Hypnotism"


HypnoNews You Can Use: "What 'Get Out' Gets Wrong And Right About Hypnotism"

You may have loved or hated the movie "Get Out” but it is getting critical acclaim.  In fact, on December 5, 2017 "The Atlantic" magazine's states  "Get Out will probably stand both as the definitive film of 2017 and as the one with the longest cultural shelf life, in part because of moments like the hypnosis scene." It is not a realistic portrayal of hypnosis.  Hypnosis cannot make you do things you would not normally do.

Holidays are coming...

Every year I say to myself, this year I will be more organized, this year I will not be stressed. BUT before I know it, it's December 15 and I'm way behind doing what I need to be doing and I just want it to be over.  THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT!  This is how I'm going to do it...

This summer at HYPNOTHOUGHTS LIVE 2016 in Las Vegas, I took a wonderful class -- The Anti-Anxiety Workshop taught by Melissa Tiers.  Melissa was a very entertaining speaker but more importantly, she had lots of information about how to actually re-wire the brain to interrupt our anxiety.  I now teach these techniques to my clients and it is helping them.

Here are a couple:  

Heart Coherence - fancy words for focusing on breathing from your heart throughout your body with calmness and intent.  As you focus on your heart and all the healthy blood pumping from your heart throughout your body you can really feel the energy it is radiating throughout your body which will cause you to slow down and relax.

Peripheral Vision - focus on a point in the distance straight in front of your eyes then, keeping your eyes straight ahead, see how far out you can see on the right and left of your vision.  By focusing on what you are seeing, you interrupt the internal dialogue that has become a negative. Do this technique 3 or 4 times and feel yourself slowing down and the tension melting away.

Both of these exercises are simple and can be done anywhere, no one needs to know that you are calming and centering yourself.  Using these tools can help you focus and enjoy the holiday more this year! 



Member of the Month - National Association of Women Business Owners

I am honored to be featured as Member of the Month on the National Association of Women Business Owners website. 

NAWBO Mission is to: propel women entrepreneurs into economic, social, and political spheres of power worldwide by:

  • Strengthening the wealth creating capacity of our members and promoting economic development within the entrepreneurial community
  • Creating innovative and effective change in the business culture
  • Building strategic alliances, coalitions and affiliations
  • Transforming public policy and influencing opinion makers

If you are local woman business owner I highly recommend joining!

New Starts!

We all want to be more successful and I will share some information that I hope will help you to move in that direction.  A couple of years ago, I took a seminar called JUMPSTART.  I received some helpful information for me and I would like to pass it along to you this morning as a way to help you Jumpstart your business.

We are going to begin by thinking about accomplishments that you have completed in the past year and how they related to the goals you may have set at the beginning of last year.  

Did you write those goals down?

Did you refer to them at least once a month?

Do you know where those goals are?

Whether or not you have goals from last year, you can always make a list of what you did accomplish last year.  Let’s have a few examples:

(hired new employees, raised rates, got a bigger office, attended BNI regularly)

GREAT! Now let’s move on to what you would like to accomplish this year.

What goals do you have for the year?

What are some obstacles that may be in the way?

I’m going to suggest that you pick 2 or 3 specific goals and write them down.  Take a careful look at those goals and really consider,

“Do I believe I can reach these goals?” 

“Why are these goals important to me?”

“What are some obstacles that I might have to overcome to reach my goals?”

“Can you commit to doing one thing differently each day that will help you reach your goals?”

What are some thoughts about what might make a difference?

I’m going to suggest that an Inner Coach might be a great help.  An inner coach can be anything or anyone that your imagination can think of that can be there for you as a cheerleader – encouraging you when a job falls through or an escrow doesn’t close.  Only you will know that you have it or them, but you can access it whenever you want. 

Let’s take a moment and close your eyes, take a couple deep breaths.  Open the door to your imagination and allow an image to form that represents your inner coach.  It may be a feeling or presence or you might actually get a visual image.  Know that whatever comes is right for you; trust that your subconscious is finding just the right person or thing for you.   

Let’s think for a moment about the Law of Attraction – attracting positive energy and events by projecting positive energy and expecting the same in return.  This will also work with focusing on your goals.  You will attract what you focus on.  Once your goals are concrete and on paper it is easier for the mind to integrate them from the conscious to the subconscious mind.  I would suggest putting your goals on 3x5 cards and posting them where you will see them each day.  Whatever you are focused on when you drop off to sleep each night will tend to enter your subconscious.  Instead of the horrible car crashes and news of the day.  Take 2 minutes each night and review your goals.  You might want to even think of an action you may take the next day to move you closer to that goal.  Remember, the subconscious mind is 88-90% of our mind, let’s work to get it in sync with our conscious mind.  Imagine 100% of your mind working toward the same goals!