Personal Development

Home Again? In Stressful Times Attitude Can Make the Difference

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My friend and neighbor, Judy, has a houseful.  Her 2 adult children have moved home for the time being.  They are both successful and have their own apartments in different big cities but wanted to be with family for the quarantine.  Judy has decided to see this as an amazing time to bond with her kids that she might never have had (and probably will not have again).  They are all working from home during the day and spend evenings and weekends cooking together, enjoying the outdoors together and having wonderful thoughtful adult conversations together.  Judy could have had the attitude of wanting to enjoy time alone with her husband and the quiet that comes when your children have left and been angry at their decision to come home.  I think she has made a smart decision to embrace this special time with her family.

How are you reacting to what is happening in our world today?  Are you feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed?  I would not be surprised if you were.   Take an objective look at your situation and really think about where you are.  Are things terrible?  Could they be worse?  Or are you one of the lucky ones like Judy – able to see the positive in this crazy situation.  How can you utilize what is going on to your advantage?  Are there online classes you can take to further your career if you are not working?  How can you strengthen your family relationships even if you are not living together?  Maybe this is a time to learn yoga online or how to meditate.  It could be a time to explore taking that class for something you have always wanted to learn or planting that garden you have dreamed about.

While not minimizing the seriousness of the situation, we can “pivot” and learn new ways of being, learning and responding to stress. Hypnotherapy is all about changing your mental attitude.  If you would like some ideas on how to change how you are responding to your current situation, I am available for a free private consultation.  Please call 1-818-929-4944