
To Dream or Not to Dream - The Why and How of Vision Boards


Everything is created twice – first in the mind and then in reality.”  Robin Sharma

I created the vision board above in August, 2018. So many things on that board have already come true! I visited Corfu in 2019 and it looked just like the picture on the top left.  I got 2 new gray sofas and chairs.  I spend time at the beach each week.  I cleaned out much of my house.  I had the best year ever in my business.

Ever wonder why vision boards actually work?  They help you to create what you want in your mind so that you can create it in reality.  I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me, “All those things I put on my vision board came true…”  If you are not sure where you are going, give yourself permission to explore where you might end up.  Why not take some time and focus on your dream?

Supplies you will need include a large poster board, any size, color or shape will work, magazines with good pictures, scissors, glue and your imagination.

To start:  Close your eyes, take a few moments and count backwards from ten to zero to calm and center yourself.  When you get to zero, picture or imagine where you want to be in one year.  This will be the vision on your vision board.  Go through the magazines and cut out pictures and words and phrases that resonate with you.  Don’t worry about where they will go right now, just collect lots of cutouts.

When you have a good supply of pictures and words, start arranging them on the poster board.  Take a look at how the items are arranged and start to paste them to the board.  Be creative, this is just for you and your future.  You might have different sections on your board, personal, business, etc. or one big vision.

Once you have completed your vision board, the next step is to find a place to display it where you can see it every day and let it guide your subconscious mind toward your dream.

An alternative to a physical vision board is creating one on your computer (with Canva or Pinterest) and using it as a screensaver. I’m old school. I like to be able to hang the vision board on my wall and look at it as the year progresses.

I hope this encourages you to consider taking some time to be creative right now.  I know I will be doing a vision board soon.

If you would like some encouragement, call me for a free private consultation. I am ready to work with you online. You can reach out today.