I recently saw a client for hypnotherapy who needed help getting uncluttered. When friends or family were coming over she was anxious and embarrassed about her clutter. She put everything (including papers and bills) away in bags and hid them in closets so no one would know her secret. There were bags everywhere. She couldn’t find the papers she needed. She didn’t know where to begin. She actually had already begun. Asking for help is the first step.
We outlined a plan for her:
1. Commit to spending a certain amount of time on the project each day, set a timer and stop.
2. Get supplies needed to organize papers.
3. Use affirmations as a way of encouragement to complete the project.
I am happy to say she is now organized and clutter stress free when she shares her home with friends and family. Are you coming to the end of January without starting your New Year’s resolutions? This is a great time to get organized and stop procrastinating about that project you have been avoiding-whether it is cleaning your closet, your garage or tackling some personal issue.
Let’s change our New Year’s resolutions to New Year’s affirmations. A resolution is a statement about what you would like to have happen someday. An affirmation is a positive statement reflecting what you want to do or be or have in your life.
Sample affirmations are stated like this:
I am calm and relaxed.
I get 8 hours of sleep every night.
I wake up energized and ready to start my day.
The best time to use affirmations is to write them in longhand just before bed and read them first thing in the morning. These are the times that your subconscious is most available to you for programming. Affirmations can also be repeated silently or aloud during the day as reminders of your goals. As you remind yourself of your goals, your actions will begin to reflect those goals. Affirmations are the best way to implement change in your life. Let’s make 2020 your best year ever. If you would like some help, please give me a call today.