Extinguish Negative Habits with Help from Hypnotherapy


As we approach the end of 2020, it can be a time to reflect on what you did right this year and what changes you might want to make for 2021.  With the COVID crisis, I think everyone has staying healthy on their mind.  I have had several clients during COVID decide that it was time to quit smoking.  One of them was a 66 year old female client who had been smoking for over 40 years. She was a caregiver for her 2 young grandsons and wanted to stay healthy to be able to keep up with them.  Her husband was having some health issues and she wanted to support him as he worked to stay healthy also.  This is what she wrote: 

After years of smoking cigarettes and attempting to quit on my own, I turned to Cinda Roffman. After three sessions, I conquered this horrible habit with Cinda guiding the way, instilling positive affirmations and insights. Cinda figuratively took me by the hand, and helped me realize I could do this. She is an amazing therapist!

Do you have an addiction or habit that you would like to say goodbye to as 2020 ends?

Whether it is smoking, nail biting, hair pulling or other negative habits, exploring why can be a first step to extinguishing these habitsStress and anxiety can be a contributing factor in these negative habits.  Once we figure out why you are doing them, we can come up with behaviors that will not harm you and provide the same level of comfort.  For example, a warm cup of tea or a brisk walk can do a lot towards relieving the stress that can lead to these behaviors.

Negative habits may have originated as a response to stress or anxiety that you did not know how to cope with. Looking back on their beginnings can be enlightening. Maybe you began to smoke when it was cool and the hip thing to do.  Now we know more about smoking and the many medical problems associated with it.  Knowing that in our conscious mind, however, does not always translate to a change in behavior.  That’s where the subconscious mind comes in. When we convince the subconscious mind that smoking is bad for us also, it makes changing the behavior so much easier.  

We will also write affirmations that you can use to remind yourself of the changes you are making.  “I am a permanent non-smoker.”  “I have beautiful, long nails.”  “My hair is healthy and full.”   These affirmations will reinforce the suggestions made in hypnosis.

We will find your “happy place,” and anchor it to the calm, relaxed feeling you feel in hypnosis.  When you find yourself beginning to do the behavior you are trying to extinguish, you instead focus on feeling calm and relaxed.  Eventually, the behavior will be completely replaced by a feeling of calm.

Wishing you and your family and friends a happy, healthy holiday season!



HypnoNews and Resources

For more ideas about extinguishing negative habits with hypnotherapy, check out these articles:



Navigating the Holidays during the Pandemic


My friend Lynne, who lives in Denver, put up her Christmas tree last weekend.  You might think this is a little early.  I did at first.  She said that she did it because it made her happy.  I’m OK with that.  This year the holidays – all of them – will definitely be different. Because of COVID, many of our traditional family events will not be possible. 

Holidays can be stressful in the best of times. This year the social distancing and isolation are adding to everyone’s anxiety.  So with Thanksgiving coming up this week, let’s take a look at the holidays and how to navigate them.

1.    Take some time to reflect on your feelings about the holidays

  • Maybe even take a few notes or write in a journal  

  • What is your level of concern about COVID transmission?      

  • Do you have a pod you are comfortable getting together with?

  • Are there some alternatives to in person meeting that might work for you and your family? 

  • How do you feel about decorating this year? 

  • What are the elements of the holidays that are meaningful to you? 

  • How will your handle gifts if aren’t able to see each other?

 2.     Decide what is best for you individually

  • After you realize what is truly important, consider new ways to make the holidays meaningful.  I’m thinking of decorating with a few things that bring me joy and make me smile.

 3.     Have a frank discussion with your family and friends

  • Discuss with them your thoughts on getting together, decorating and gift exchanges.  The most difficult part of the discussion is beginning.  When navigating these discussions, emphasize that you care about your family and friends and your goal is for you all to stay healthy.  Hopefully starting from that point will encourage everyone to work together. 

So what about the Christmas tree?  I say do what gives you joy (with thanks to Marie Kondo). If you want to go all out and decorate – why not?  If you want to have a minimalist holiday this year, that’s fine too.  Start from a place of what makes you the most comfortable and share that in a loving way with your family and friends. Take into consideration their thoughts and feelings and come up with new holiday traditions.

 Wishing you all a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!


HypnoNews and Resources

For more ideas about navigating the holidays, check out these articles:




And of course, here’s Marie Kondo’s famous book: The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up) by Marie Kondō 

Pandemic Dreams - A Hypnotherapy Perspective


A writer recently wrote in to “ASK AMY” in the LA Times about their anxious, strange and vivid dreams since the pandemic began.  Amy responded by referencing the work of renowned Harvard Medical School dream researcher Deidre Barrett whose newest book is titled Pandemic Dreams. The book has been described as a collection of vivid Covid-19-related dreams accompanied by her advice for practical exercises to control stress and anxiety while asleep. Amy commented that she was surprised to learn that “you might be able to control more of your dream content.”

Hypnotherapy also holds the view that yes, you can direct and control what you dream about to some extent.  Don’t forget, however, that dreams serve a very important function in mental health and you may or may not need to direct and control your dream experiences.

In an excerpt from Pandemic Dreams we read that “Since the COVID-19 pandemic swept around the world, and we began to shelter-in-place, people have reported unusually active dream lives. We’re remembering more dreams than usual, and those dreams are especially vivid and bizarre. The virus itself is the star of many – literally or in one of its metaphoric guises.”

 Below are 3 techniques you can use to help with Pandemic Dream experiences. If you are curious but not worried about your dreams consider item #1 before jumping into dream direction and control activities. If your dreams are contributing to and exacerbating your level of stress and anxiety consider items #2 and #3.

1.       Gain an understanding of the purpose and natural function of dreaming and dreams.

Everything that happens in our world during the day remains in the 10% of our mind that is our conscious mind.  At night, as we sleep, all that information is “downloaded” into our subconscious mind.  Dreams are an important tool to clear our mind and ready it for the next day’s input, similar to a computer restart.

 2.       Learn to direct the content of your dreams by programming your subconscious mind just before you go to sleep at night.  

Accessing the subconscious mind and implanting ideas for what you do want to dream about is best done just before for you go to sleep when the conscious mind is ready to turn control over to your subconscious for the night. “Tonight, I will dream about ……”

 3.       Train yourself to enter lucid dreaming and use the power of lucid dreaming to adjust and modify your dream experience as it is underway.

In a regular dream you don’t know that you are dreaming. A lucid dream is a dream during which you are aware that you are dreaming while in the dream. That awareness empowers you to exercise some control of the dream by doing things like recognizing and eliminating negative symbols or directly confronting fears without concern for you safety because its only a dream.

If you find yourself having pandemic dreams that disturb you, you might want more information. I am offering a free, online group hypnosis session every other Wednesday from 10-11 am pst. Our next session will be on November 18.You can register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpf--rrDkiHdHHxRgKaamvgHt5fbvj2ADR

Help! I'm muted and no one hears me. [Hypnotherapy and At Home Learning]


My granddaughters recently stayed with us for 2 weeks.  I had an up close and real lesson in how hard it is for students, parents and teachers right now. 

My younger granddaughter, who is 7, didn’t really understand the keyboard and each day was a hunt and peck challenge.  One morning, in her first class of the day, she called out three times to respond to her teacher’s question. However, she was on mute and the teacher did not acknowledge her in any way. So she quit and sat through the rest of the lesson, frustrated and alone. Lesson learned? When no one hears you, just give up?

Another morning, when she finally did get online for school, the class session was filled with distractions. The teacher’s kids and dogs would randomly walk through the class, interrupting whatever concentration she might have mustered.

At the same time, her older sister was in another room working on a different schedule. Mom was teaching her classes in yet another room. Grandma and Grandpa were trying to help while maintaining some schedule of their own.  Sis, who is 10, fared a little better with the technology but was still easily distracted by YouTube videos and other things she could stream on a different device. And we had a ratio of 3 adults to 2 kids!  Anyone else feeling our pain? 

So what does this have to do with hypnotherapy?  Hypnotherapy can help you and your home student focus on the task at hand.  As you begin a task, take a deep breath and center yourself:  “Right now, I will only focus on the next 45 minute task or class.”  You will find that you will avoid distractions and work more easily.  Suggest that phrase to your student as well. 

It can be frustrating to be put in the role of teacher while you may be working from home.  This would be a good time to use your anchor, breathing in on a word that describes a positive time or place and breathing out on a word that describes the positive feeling associated with that time or place.  Shallow breathing and unconsciously holding your breath can contribute to stress. Focusing on your breathing can counteract that.

If you find yourself studying or working and teaching from home, you may want support in this crazy time. I am offering a free, online group hypnosis session every other Wednesday at 10 am.  Our next session will be on November 4th.  You can register here:

Sincerely, Cinda

Insomnia and Hypnotherapy


A few nights ago I went to bed an hour later than my usual routine and fell asleep thinking about the busy day ahead of me. Several hours later, around 3:00 a.m., I woke up with my mind in a whirl of stress and worry. What if tomorrow goes wrong? What if I forget something important? What will be the outcome and impact of the upcoming election? What if there is a power failure tomorrow and the internet is down? When will the pandemic ever end? What if I can’t get back to sleep now?

Insomnia is defined as difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep long enough to feel refreshed the next morning. Some common symptoms of insomnia include:

·        Being awake for long periods at night

·        Not being able to fall asleep

·        Waking up several times during the night

·        Waking up very early and being unable to get back to sleep

·        Feeling tired and groggy the next morning

·        Finding it difficult to concentrate or function properly

·        Feeling irritable

Insomnia is a significant problem for many of my clients.  For some it is debilitating, for others it is an annoyance.  When it becomes a significant problem, we can address it effectively through a few focused hypnotherapy sessions.  

We start by developing an evening ritual.  What makes you feel relaxed and restful?  I usually suggest cutting out violent television and the news close to bedtime.  Watching a comedy or reading are good activities for just before bed.  It’s important to stick to a ritual so that your mind and body become accustomed to knowing that it is bedtime. You will get a personalized recording that you can play the help to drift off to sleep easily. You will also develop a personal anchor to your naturally relaxed state that you can use to get back to sleep if needed.

As I lay in bed at 3:00 unable to sleep, I was clearly experiencing an episode of insomnia. I decided to take my own advice to my insomnia clients:  Focus on your anchor, your special place that always makes you feel good, positive and happy.  I went to my favorite beach in my head and imagined sitting there with my son and grandson.  I remembered what time of day it was, what the temperature was, the sounds and the smells of that special day.  Before I knew it, the sun was peeking through the window and I had had a good night’s sleep after all.

If you would like some tools and training to help you get a good night’s sleep, please call 818-929-4944 to arrange for a free, private, personal, online consultation.

New Year Reflections? The Reflection Framework and Hypnotherapy - 6 Key Questions

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The Jewish High Holy Days concluded last week.  Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.  For the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we reflect on what we did in the past year, ask forgiveness for our missteps, and set intentions for doing better in the year to come.

The process is somewhat like the initial session that you would experience as a new hypnotherapy client. We begin by reflecting and identifying change goals, move to prioritizing the key issue or change that you want to make and then set the intention to transform your life for the better with your therapists guidance and help.

The last six months have been a unique time in our world.  How did you handle yourself?  Were you thoughtful and caring of others?  Were you able to take advantage of the extra time you had at home with your family?  Did you use the time to learn more about a topic you always wanted to explore?  Did you find ways to grow your business even in these difficult times?

It looks like we will be operating in pandemic mode for a while yet. How’s your mental state? Are you nervous? Are you depressed?  Do you need to connect with friends more? Now could be a great opportunity to reflect and set some intentions to make your life better while still staying safe and healthy?

A framework that I have found useful for reflection consists of these 6 key questions:

1.      What have I been thinking and feeling over the last 6 months since the pandemic began?

2.      What am I thinking and feeling today?

3.      What  do I want to be thinking and feeling when the pandemic is over for me

4.      What have I been doing over the last 6 months since the pandemic began

5.      What am I doing today?

6.      What do I want to be doing when the pandemic is over for me?

Set aside 20 minutes for reflection. Find a quiet, comfortable, place where will not be interrupted. Work through the 6 key questions in order. Record your thoughts in a journal or notebook, type them in your computer, or even record them on your cell phone.

Now go back and take a look at differences between what you have been thinking, feeling and doing over the last 6 months and what you want to be thinking, feeling and doing in the future.

You do not have to wait. You can begin the transformation you want now. If you would like some help, please call for a free private online video consultation. 818-929-4944

How to Choose the Right Hypnotherapist For You

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As part of my training to become a hypnotherapist, I had to choose a mentor.  All the teachers at HMI were available as mentors, it was part of their job as teachers.  I took a while to decide.   When I finally did, I chose Cheryl because she was the teacher I could most closely relate to.  We are about the same age, she had had another career before becoming a hypnotherapist and she genuinely liked helping others.  I liked how she treated her students, her calm, gentle manner was very inviting.

Personal transformation is a common goal these days.  Changing what you think and what you do can bring about transformation.  Sounds simple but it is not that easy to achieve.  A hypnotherapist can help by accessing your subconscious mind (80% of your mind) and helping you to focus it on your conscious goals.  This makes achieving those goals much easier.          

How do you choose the best hypnotherapist for you?  Here some items to consider:

  • Where did they go to school? How long was the training?

There are many “hypnotherapy schools” some offering a certificate in as short a time as a weekend. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, where I went to school is a yearlong program with almost 800 instructional hours, including an internship program.  It includes classes on counselling as well as an introduction to many different modalities.

  • What additional training do they have?

I am trained and certified in many different techniques and areas:  Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Therapeutic Imagery, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Weight Management, Coping with Loss, Hypnotherapy for Clients with Cancer, Preparing for Surgery, PTSD, Sports Performance, Fears and Anxieties, Smoking Cessation, and Hypnosis and the Special Needs Child.

  • What is their certification? 

I am a certified hypnotherapist, certified by Hypnotherapist Union of the AFL/CIO #472.  I am on the board of the Union and we are very careful to only certify hypnotherapists who have extensive training.  We have a code of ethics and continuing education requirements.

  • What is their specialty?

While I do see clients for a variety of issues, I specialize in weight management, anxiety, insomnia, test preparation and sports performance.

  • How are they rated on Yelp, Google and LinkedIn? 

Ratings can be an important tool with objective ways to rate performance. 

  • What is their website like? Does it include testimonials, areas of experience and a blog?

Again, one more tool to help you understand more about the person you are choosing.

  • Do they offer a free consultation?

Choosing a hypnotherapist is a very personal decision.  Getting the chance to know, like and trust them before engaging with them is important.  You want to be able to relate to the person you will be working with.  Are they able to listen and really hear what you are saying?

If you would like to talk about working together, call now to arrange for a free, private, online video consultation - 818-929-4944.

From Fear to Freedom - Lessons for Overcoming Virus Fear

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Very early in my career as a hypnotherapist, I had a young woman as a client who came to me for fear of driving.  She was afraid to get a driver’s license.  Living in Southern California was becoming harder and harder for the recent college graduate.  She had to walk almost a mile to catch the bus to work and almost a mile to her office after she got off the bus.  She was literally afraid of driving the car – it seemed large and foreign to her and she was afraid she could not control it.  She was correct to be afraid of the car.  A car is considered a lethal weapon by law enforcement.  Part of what I helped her see is that yes, she may be afraid of the car and to see that fear as healthy.  She began to understand that even through her fear she could learn to manage and control the car and use it to her advantage.  She practiced and practiced.  She started first in a parking lot and then finally on the streets.  I am happy to report she passed her test on the first try and promptly drove herself across country to relocate in Nashville.  A very happy ending to the story!

What can we learn from this story today?  I think it translates very easily.  We are living in a fearful time.  We should be afraid of COVID-19 and its consequences.  We can channel that fear to be safe and healthy when interacting with others.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Planning becomes very important.  In the same way that you wouldn’t drive on the wrong side of the street, you also should be careful interacting with people who may have or be carriers for COVID-19.  Does that mean you need to stay inside your home 24/7 and never see any people?  Probably not.

  • .It is important to get out of your home.  Go for a walk in an area that is not busy.  Take a drive and enjoy the beautiful scenery all around us.

  • It is also important to have safe personal interactions.  Call your friends, schedule a zoom happy hour,or social distance outside with separate food and drinks.  There are many alternatives available that can help keep you safe and healthy while still giving you social connections.  Your friends will probably appreciate your calling!

Ongoing fear, worry or distress of any kind can lead to debilitating, life limiting chronic anxiety and even related physical symptoms. If your fear becomes overwhelming, I can help.  I will listen, ask questions, and help you get information and gain understanding of your fears.  We will develop transformative affirmations that focus on the positive outcome that you desire. You will be motivated and empowered to take action on your desired new behaviors with confidence and growing competence as you enjoy more freedom and less worry to hold you back or slow you down.

You do not have to cure Covid or wait for a vaccine to move past the virus fear, reduce anxiety, and bring a greater feeling of hope, confidence and freedom into your daily life.

To learn more, go to my website https://www.cindaroffman.com and register for my next free, live Hypnotherapy Q & A – Fear and Anxiety.

Or, to see if we can work together to help you, call now to arrange for a free, private, online video consultation - 818-929-4944.

The Dog Ate My Focaccia - Coping with Stress and Anxiety


A few weeks ago, I wrote about my friend and neighbor, Judy, and her house full of adult children.  I talked about how she had decided to take advantage of this special time with them and embrace the opportunity to develop an adult relationship with her children and her daughter’s fiancé, Jon. I talked about how well it was working out.  That was a few weeks ago.  One evening the fiancé made a delicious focaccia as a treat after dinner.  He and Judy’s son, Mike, were setting up a projector and screen in the backyard to watch movies at night.  Meanwhile, Mike’s large greyhound decided to sample the focaccia cooling on the counter.  Jon was understandably angry that his hard work had been destroyed.  He went straight to bed and the night was ruined.  Good news, 24 hours later everyone is getting along again.

What can we learn from challenging situations?  Judy said that her kids learned to be more respectful of each other and each person’s needs.  Jon now is careful about where he leaves his baked goods to cool.  Mike is more conscious of where his dog is roaming.  Out of this situation, everyone learned to be more aware.

We are all in a challenging situation right now.  What can we each learn going forward?  Two important things I would encourage you all to consider are 1) taking care of yourself and 2) being willing to ask for help when needed.

Remember the airline analogy:  Put your own oxygen mask on first.  You can’t help someone else if you are passed out.  This translates directly into our lives right now.  Take care of your needs so that you can take care of others.  Put on your mask! Not only does it protect you but it also protects others.  What other self-care do you need right now?  Is it finding a good book to read? Going for a walk? Taking a nice long bath? Getting up a little earlier so you have some alone time?

If you find yourself in a place where you are having trouble coping, do not be afraid to ask for help.  I am here and seeing clients for online hypnotherapy.  If I cannot help you, I can help you find someone who can or maybe an online support group.  You do not have to go through this alone. You could arrange for you and a friend (or group of friends) to have a weekly zoom call.  Meet up with masks and social distancing outdoors.

Let’s look at this challenging situation and see what we can learn from it that will help us going forward.

Personal transformation through hypnotherapy offers an effective, comfortable and drug free choice for dealing with stress and anxiety, managing weight, changing habits, improving health, and achieving self-development goals. To schedule a free, private online consultation please call 1-818-929-4944.

Online Hypnotherapy vs. Hypnotherapy In-Office.

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Hypnotherapy, whether in-office or live, online, always starts with you. It rests on the personal relationship between you and your therapist. Communication, compatibility and trust are the required foundation for that relationship. However, face to face meetings are not a necessary ingredient for a successful hypnotherapy experience.

 Does Hypnotherapy Work Virtually?

The short answer is yes. Before the pandemic many local clients came into my office for sessions but I’ve also been doing live, online, phone and video based sessions for years. Here is one very successful story of a client who was helped.   

The client was a manager for a large tech company in Silicon Valley who was required to travel for business.  Her finance also wanted to take her to Europe and South America for fun.  Problem?  She was afraid to fly because she was scared of people (or herself) vomiting.  This is actually not an uncommon fear.  Over a series of 6 sessions we figured out where that fear came from – an incident in her childhood - and worked to help her release that fear.  All sessions were conducted live, online and I never met her face to face.  She was able to easily travel for work and she and her boyfriend have now visited several countries.

Another successful client who was helped with online hypnotherapy actually lived locally. However, after a long day at the office, she wanted the freedom to do sessions while at home.  She was working on improving her health and landing her dream promotion at her company.  Through hypnotherapy and positive affirmations, she succeeded at both. Her promotion enabled her to work worldwide and have the flexibility she needed to be able to focus on her health.  

6 things that you can do to make your virtual therapy sessions more effective

1.      Consider using a therapist not in your area but who may be a good fit for your issue.  Virtually it doesn’t matter where the therapist actually is.

2.     Test the technology before your first scheduled session. Desktops, laptops, cell phones, with cameras all can work.

3.     Get to know your therapist by engaging in a pre-session consultation call.

4.     Choose and prepare your home environment so that you have a quiet, comfortable location.  Typically my clients use bedrooms or offices, for the hypnosis part they use a recliner, a bed or a couch.

5.     Schedule your session for a time when you will have control of your environment.  Make sure it is quiet and you know you will not be interrupted.

6.     During the session, focus on using verbal cues instead of non-verbal ones.  For example, your therapist may not know that a question or topic is making you nervous because she will not be able to see that your legs are fidgeting.   Be clear and honest with your therapist about what you are feeling. It will be harder for her to read non-verbal cues.

Here are a couple of articles if you’d like more information about online or virtual sessions:

Does Online Therapy Work? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201911/does-online-therapy-work

Virtual therapy: What is it? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/virtual-therapy

 Why Your Shrink Wasn’t Offering Virtual Therapy Until Now https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/05/virtual-therapy-pandemic/611551/

Personal transformation through hypnotherapy offers an effective, comfortable and drug free choice for overcoming fears, changing habits, improving health, and achieving self-development goals. With online hypnotherapy you can access your personal hypnotherapist from the convenience of your home anywhere around the USA. To schedule a free, private online consultation please call 1-818-929-4944.

Home Again? In Stressful Times Attitude Can Make the Difference

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My friend and neighbor, Judy, has a houseful.  Her 2 adult children have moved home for the time being.  They are both successful and have their own apartments in different big cities but wanted to be with family for the quarantine.  Judy has decided to see this as an amazing time to bond with her kids that she might never have had (and probably will not have again).  They are all working from home during the day and spend evenings and weekends cooking together, enjoying the outdoors together and having wonderful thoughtful adult conversations together.  Judy could have had the attitude of wanting to enjoy time alone with her husband and the quiet that comes when your children have left and been angry at their decision to come home.  I think she has made a smart decision to embrace this special time with her family.

How are you reacting to what is happening in our world today?  Are you feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed?  I would not be surprised if you were.   Take an objective look at your situation and really think about where you are.  Are things terrible?  Could they be worse?  Or are you one of the lucky ones like Judy – able to see the positive in this crazy situation.  How can you utilize what is going on to your advantage?  Are there online classes you can take to further your career if you are not working?  How can you strengthen your family relationships even if you are not living together?  Maybe this is a time to learn yoga online or how to meditate.  It could be a time to explore taking that class for something you have always wanted to learn or planting that garden you have dreamed about.

While not minimizing the seriousness of the situation, we can “pivot” and learn new ways of being, learning and responding to stress. Hypnotherapy is all about changing your mental attitude.  If you would like some ideas on how to change how you are responding to your current situation, I am available for a free private consultation.  Please call 1-818-929-4944

From Wedding Dress to Cardiologist - Hypnotherapy and Your Healthy Weight Management Journey - Part 1


The first time a doctor told me I needed to lose weight was as I as preparing to get married.  Who doesn’t want to look great at their wedding? So I bought into his suggestion that I lose 15 pounds.  Many years later, my cardiologist insisted that I lose weight. This time it was 40 pounds and it wasn’t for looks, it was for health.  Yes, I know about the weight management journey. I’ve been there and still struggle sometimes. Safer at home has actually been good for my weight. It has kept me out of restaurants and lots of tempting delicious food.  I only buy healthy foods that are on my eating plan.  Do I occasionally stray? Of course, but by and large, I am doing better than usual.

The healthy weight management journey starts with awareness and desire. It consists of two stages, (1) losing weight to achieve your healthy goal weight and (2) adjusting your routine to maintain healthy weight management on an ongoing basis. No matter where you are in this journey, hypnotherapy can help. Here’s how it works:

Much of our eating and exercise behavior is managed by our subconscious minds which have been conditioned by parents, teachers, childhood experience and the media. Your attitude and mindset toward weight management may be significant factors holding you back from losing weight.  Or maybe your living situation is difficult; maybe you need to change from a stressful job. In hypnosis we can strengthen motivation, relieve stress and update mindset to better serve you as you make the behavior changes that will lead to successful healthy weight management.

Hypnotherapy helps with healthy weight management by changing your subconscious view of your weight.  We all have a vision in our minds of what we look like.  It may or may not be realistic.  In weight management hypnosis, we work to change that subconscious view to your goal view.  We also work to change your ideas about what you need to do to manage your weight.  We work together to find a weight loss plan that will fit with your lifestyle.

You choose an eating plan that will be best for you. We work out an exercise program specifically for you.  Exercise is an integral part of weight management.  Maybe it’s walking several days a week, maybe it’s using the trainer you’ve already paid for at the gym – we will work together to figure out what works for you.

We work out an exercise program specifically for you.  Exercise is an integral part of weight management.  Maybe it’s walking several days a week, maybe it’s using the trainer you’ve already paid for at the gym – we will work together to figure out what works for you.

Once we have established an eating plan and an exercise plan, in each subsequent session we discuss what is and what is not working for you.  If necessary, we make adjustments in your plans while monitoring how you are progressing toward your goal.

At goal, we celebrate the new you and then continue the journey by adjusting your eating and exercise plan to maintain healthy weight management on an ongoing basis.

If this is something you might want to tackle at this time, please call me for a private consultation.

To Dream or Not to Dream - The Why and How of Vision Boards


Everything is created twice – first in the mind and then in reality.”  Robin Sharma

I created the vision board above in August, 2018. So many things on that board have already come true! I visited Corfu in 2019 and it looked just like the picture on the top left.  I got 2 new gray sofas and chairs.  I spend time at the beach each week.  I cleaned out much of my house.  I had the best year ever in my business.

Ever wonder why vision boards actually work?  They help you to create what you want in your mind so that you can create it in reality.  I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me, “All those things I put on my vision board came true…”  If you are not sure where you are going, give yourself permission to explore where you might end up.  Why not take some time and focus on your dream?

Supplies you will need include a large poster board, any size, color or shape will work, magazines with good pictures, scissors, glue and your imagination.

To start:  Close your eyes, take a few moments and count backwards from ten to zero to calm and center yourself.  When you get to zero, picture or imagine where you want to be in one year.  This will be the vision on your vision board.  Go through the magazines and cut out pictures and words and phrases that resonate with you.  Don’t worry about where they will go right now, just collect lots of cutouts.

When you have a good supply of pictures and words, start arranging them on the poster board.  Take a look at how the items are arranged and start to paste them to the board.  Be creative, this is just for you and your future.  You might have different sections on your board, personal, business, etc. or one big vision.

Once you have completed your vision board, the next step is to find a place to display it where you can see it every day and let it guide your subconscious mind toward your dream.

An alternative to a physical vision board is creating one on your computer (with Canva or Pinterest) and using it as a screensaver. I’m old school. I like to be able to hang the vision board on my wall and look at it as the year progresses.

I hope this encourages you to consider taking some time to be creative right now.  I know I will be doing a vision board soon.

If you would like some encouragement, call me for a free private consultation. I am ready to work with you online. You can reach out today.

Duck Tape and Margaritas-Ways to Cope with Overwhelm


We binge watched Sweet Magnolias last weekend and one of the characters said she couldn’t possibly do anything else, she was “holding it together with duck tape and margaritas.”  I don’t know about you but some days that’s exactly how I feel.  This is a challenging time for all of us with all of the external issues that are going on AND THEN we each have our private struggles that we may not even share with others.  When will I see my extended family?  Will I get my job back?  What will my job look like when I get it back?  What is happening in my industry? When can I see my doctor in the office again?   When can I travel again?

With all of this going on, it is very easy to become overwhelmed.  I have found that this is a great time to become more mindful of what you are thinking and how you are programming your mind each day.  The following may help:

1.      Go for a walk.  Being out in the fresh air is healthy and will make you feel good.

2.      Watch less news.  30-60 minutes a day is plenty of time to get all the relevant items.

3.      Begin a gratitude practice.  Every evening write down at least 3 things you are grateful for.

4.      Each morning write down 3 things you can accomplish that day that will give you a feeling of completion.

5.      Get a free zoom account and set up Happy Hours with different friends each day.  Personal connection is very important to our sanity.

6.      Begin an affirmation practice.  Set goals for yourself, write them down and focus on them during the day.

We will get through this together.  Reach out to friends and family and connect.  I’m here for you if you want to talk.  No appointment necessary.

Wear the Bathing Suit-Embrace Your Body As You Move Toward Your Goal

Corfu Beach.jpg

On vacation with my family in Corfu, Greece, we visited a beautiful secluded small beach.  It was warm – much warmer than I am used to in California – and everyone else was enjoying the shade umbrellas on the beach and swimming in the quiet water when it got hot.  I wasn’t;  I was sitting in my very warm capris and top, sweating. 

I didn’t like the way I looked in a bathing suit so I had left it at home.  Not a good idea.  I thought that someone’s possible negative opinion of how I looked was more important than enjoying a lovely afternoon with my family.  I was too hot and uncomfortable to really enjoy the outing while everyone else was having a great time.  What did I learn that afternoon? 

1. Embrace my body -- even though like many women I’d like to lose 25 pounds. 

2. No one cares how someone else’s (my) body looks.  They are way more concerned with how they look.

3. If I’m really unhappy with my weight – get off my tush and do something about it.

Hypnotherapy can help you release excess weight if that is your goal.  You can train your mind to permanently achieve and affirm your personal healthy weight goal.  Here’s a recent testimonial from a client:

“I started hypnosis in May 2019 after losing approximately 3.8 pounds per month since the beginning of the year.  By the end of November 2019 I had lost 50 pounds more, which is the fastest weight loss I've ever experienced. With Cinda’s help I was able to lose more weight per month than on my own."

One potential challenge to effective weight management is yo-yo dieting, which can occur when your subconscious is not comfortable with your new goal weight.  You reach your target and then your mind rebels and helps you to regain that weight. Healthy weight management is a great application for hypnosis.   An affirmation cementing in your goal weight can change your subconscious so that when you get to your goal, you are comfortable and able to maintain that weight.

If weight release is your goal, please contact me for a free private consultation.

Sleepless in Socal - Pandemic Insomnia


She was going to school full-time, working full-time and was a single mom to 2 toddlers. She very carefully trained herself to get by on 2-3 hours of sleep per night. She was constantly in a state of stress and anxiety.

Eventually, she finished her degree, got a better job, and met a great guy.  Now she had time to sleep, but she was so well trained, she could only sleep 2-3 hours a night.  She wanted to be more rested, calm and relaxed. We worked on her bedtime ritual, adjusted her sleep environment so she was sleeping in a dark, quiet place. Soon she began enjoying a peaceful, refreshing, full night’s sleep on the same schedule as her family.

We are all under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety during this pandemic. One of the best ways to counteract all that negativity is to take care of yourself. That begins with getting a good night’s sleep. Ever notice how everything looks better in the morning? That’s because your body and mind are more rested. With a good night’s sleep, your individual cells get rejuvenated and your conscious mind gets cleared. This can be compared to a computer re-boot – a necessary task to help your computer run better
and faster.

So what can you do if you have trouble getting a good 8 hours of sleep
every night? 

  • Be consistent – start your bedtime ritual at the same time every night, do the same things and get into bed at the same time.  Your mind and body can be trained to expect sleep at the same time every night and you will sleep better and easier.

  • Sleep in a cool dark room.  Limit outside light and computer light.  An eye mask can be a lifesaver.

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol to 2 hours before bed. Stop drinking caffeinated beverages 6-8 hours before bed. While alcohol appears to relax you for a while, it causes stimulation after the first hour and this can interfere with good sleep.

  • Limit eating to 2 hours prior to bed. If your stomach is digesting food, it is not ready for good sleep. 

  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom. TV and computers should be off or in a different room while you are sleeping. Your bed should be for sleeping (and related activities) only. It’s probably OK to be unplugged for 8 hours each night.

These suggestions may help you improve your sleep. Many clients are also helped through hypnotherapy. I am ready to work with you online. You can reach out today.

Hypnotherapy & Back Pain

Chronic back pain reared its ugly head last week after I spent 6-8 hours on zoom for 5 consecutive days. I’m just not used to sitting in one position staring at my computer screen for so long. In office sessions with hypnotherapy clients, we sit in comfortable chairs and are able to move around easily. At home, in isolation, what can you do if you have a similar problem? I knew that my discomfort (hypnotherapists don’t like to call it pain) was a condition that I had experienced before. I used the techniques below to mitigate the discomfort. Anyone can use these techniques at home or working with your hypnotherapist online. If you have questions, please contact me.

  1. Send healing light to the source of the pain, this can be any color that you choose and can be also be used after surgery. Sit in a quiet, dark room and imagine that you are connecting with the universe, the source of healing. Imagine that healing power coming in to your body on a beam of light. Let that light heal and relax whatever part of your body is in discomfort.

  2. Imagine your discomfort on a thermometer with a scale of 1-10. The higher the number, the great the pain. Begin to imagine the number coming down as the pain decreases. Watch the number move closer and closer to 0 as you let the pain recede.

  3. Enter into your inner mind and find the control room for the pain. In this room is a dial that you can use to turn down the level of pain. Again, watch the number move down toward 0.

  4. Hear the pain as a discordant symphony and change the sound to music that is familiar and pleasing to you. Find the instruments that are out of tune and bring them into tune. Again, focus your imagination on finding a pleasant happy song to listen to.

  5. Create an affirmation that you are healing and that you feel good. (Do not use the word “pain.”) Say and write down daily, “Every day I am getting better and better. I am discomfort free. I enjoy being active and healthy.”

    NOTE: Pain can be a signal that there is a serious medical issue that needs professional medical attention – a broken arm, a ruptured disc -- or it can be a signal that you need to slow down, focus on what is going on in your life and remember the steps that we need to do to take care of ourselves.

If discomfort or pain is something that you are dealing with, please call or text and we can discuss how I may be able to help.


Facing Challenging Times

As we learn how to deal with the challenging times ahead, it is important that you remain positive and focused on what you can do to make your life personally better. It has been shown that positive attitude helps with health and healing. To keep us all as healthy and as positive as possible, I have recorded two versions of my hypnosis induction. If you would like to try hypnosis, this is an easy way. Find a quiet, dark place to get comfortable and listen to the recording.

Each one lasts about 10 minutes. At the end, I am careful to wake you up, or “count you out” of hypnosis. There are two different recordings because we believe that introverts and extroverts have a different language in their subconscious. The subconscious mind of the introvert takes in suggestions inferentially and the extrovert’s mind likes direct suggestions. If you know which one you are, pick the correct one. If you have questions, contact me and we can figure out which one you are. Some people are a little of both and then either one will work.

Enjoy! (Disclaimer: Do not listen to the recording while driving. It is for avocational use only.)

Relaxation Recording for Extroverts by Cinda Roffman

Staying Calm and Healthy As The World Around Us Changes

Just when you think things are going along smoothly, life happens. I hope you are staying calm and healthy as the world around us changes. As you know, hypnotherapy can be a great way to deal with anxiety, including coronavirus-related anxiety. In light of the current recommendations, I am making the following suggestions to keep us all safe.

Click here to download my relaxation recording for free.

Here are some suggestions from an article by Kristin Meekhof on 8 Ways to Manage Your Coronavirus-Related Anxiety.

-Understand why you feel overwhelmed

-Take charge of how much information you’re consuming

-Develop and write down and health plan

-Continue healthy practices

-Keep in mind what you can control

-Set aside time for self-care

-Engage your mind and body in positive emotions

-Notice your inner dialogue

For now, I have shifted my practice to online sessions only. We can talk online in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Yes, online hypnotherapy does work.

If you have a session scheduled, I will be contacting you. If you are feeling stressed and would like a session to start feeling better, give me a call or text today. If you know of someone you feel could benefit from my services, consider giving them my number (818-929-4944).

Please stay safe and calm. I look forward to connecting in person when this is all behind us.

A White Coat Syndrome Story


It is a Tuesday morning. You are sitting in the waiting room of your doctor’s office. You have an appointment to discuss the lab test results from your recent annual check-up. Your blood pressure at that time was 140/90. The nurse will be measure it again just before you see the doctor this morning. How are you feeling as you wait? What do you think your blood pressure will be today?

Your name is called. You are ushered into an exam room and seated on the edge of the exam table. Nurse Megan comes in, gets your weight and measures you pulse/oxygen level. Your weight is unchanged and your pulse/ox is better than 98%. She puts a blood pressure cuff on your preferred arm and records a level of 150/95. She tells you the doctor will be with you soon, walks out and closes the exam room door. How are you feeling now? Are you calm and relaxed or maybe a bit anxious and stressed?

The good doctor comes in, greets you warmly, settles in his chair and pulls up your chart on his laptop. He tells you he has some good news and some concerns. Which do you want first? You opt for the good news. The good news is that all of your lab results are in normal range and your general health is very good. However, he is concerned that your blood pressure is high and the possibility that you may be developing something called persistent hypertension. He suggests that you start monitoring your blood pressure at home and schedule a follow-up appointment in about 3 months.

As you drive home from your appointment your head is full of questions. What exactly is persistent hypertension? How serious is it? Are there treatment options? Is there such a thing as non-persistent hypertension?

Google to the rescue! First you learn that persistent hypertension may be defined as when your average arterial blood pressure during a normal day, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently 130/80 or higher.

But then you also discover that there is a thing called White Coat Hypertension or White Coat Syndrome which is defined as a medical condition in which you experience persistent high blood pressure when you are measured at your doctor’s office or when a physician is present, but you experience normal blood pressure levels during your daily life and while in your home environment.

Next you learn that
• Hypertension progressively damages the walls of large arteries and makes the heart work harder to get blood pumped through the body.
• Modern medical treatments for persistent hypertension include diuretics and an array of drugs that aim to lower your blood pressure. Doctors also recommend lifestyle changes including diet and exercise
• White Coat Hypertension is associated with anxiety and fear of doctors and medical settings based on your past experiences and beliefs. If you are afraid to go to the doctor or dentist it can cause your blood pressure to rise when you are seeing the doctor and you may be treated unnecessarily for high blood pressure that you don’t really have.
• White Coat White syndrome can progress to persistent hypertension which causes problems that might have been avoided had you dealt with them earlier.
• Research studies have also established that Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy is effective in reducing blood pressure both in the short term and long term.

How can you fix this? Hypnotherapy can help in several ways. First, we attempt to find where the fear/belief comes from and if it is something that by reason alone can be fixed. Then we craft affirmations that encourage you to be calm and relaxed when having a medical procedure. Another technique would be for you to imagine yourself having the procedure in your imagination. Your very clever mind cannot tell the difference whether or not you are mentally rehearsing having your blood pressure taken or are actually having it taken by a doctor or nurse in a white coat.

If you would like to talk with me about your high blood pressure or have questions, please give me a call.